#11 Daniel Sun Zhang: An Investment Thinking Toolbox

We believe that a multidisciplinary approach is essential for every long-term investor. One of the most practical books we have found on the topic is “An Investment Thinking Toolbox”, by Daniel Sun Zhang, published in 2021. In this episode, we have the author on the show to discuss some of the 11 most important mental models for investors, the compounding machines called serial acquirers, and Zhang’s role as Director of Acquisitions at Teqnion.

Om Podcasten

Investing by the Books is a podcast to educate sophisticated and aspiring investors. We believe books are an excellent source for timeless knowledge, enhanced through deep conversations with authors and other guests. Hosts: Eddie Palmgren and Niklas Sävås. Producer: Eddie S. Ahlgren Twitter: @IB_Redeye