208. How To Invest TAX FREE Using A Roth IRA | Mark Kohler Interview
Do you have a Roth IRA??👀 Well if you don't, you are definitely going to want to get one set up after hearing Mark Kohler talk in todays episode! Mark is a best selling author, a CPA, a Lawyer, a speaker, and has a YouTube channel with 185,000 subscribers... so I think it's definitely safe to say he knows what he's talking about🔥 For todays episode, Mark and I talk about Roth IRA's, how to invest in different assets with your Roth IRA, and a secret backdoor method to help those who already make a lot of money set up a Roth IRA as well🤑 Make sure you check out Mark's YouTube channel here: https://www.youtube.com/user/MarkJKohler Also, you can check out Mark's website here: https://directedira.com By the way, if you want to learn how I started my first fund at 22, go to https://www.investmentfundsecrets.com Thanks, Bridger Pennington