2022: the challenges and opportunities ahead

Our final Investment Insights podcast for 2021 begins with a review of the trends we have seen this year conducted by Mark Winterburn (Head of Investment Advisory UK) and Ed Raymond (Head of Portfolio Management). Topics discussed include the macroeconomic and inflation backdrop, asset class summaries and the themes that have affected both advisory and discretionary portfolios. The conversation also includes our outlook for 2022. Ed discusses how discretionary portfolios are positioned for the year ahead along with the key risks that he anticipates. Mark concludes with a summary of the main messages his team are communicating to clients within advisory portfolios.

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The Investment Insights podcast brings you the thoughts and views of Julius Baer's UK investment team on today's markets. The information contained in this podcast is marketing material. Opinions expressed do not constitute independent financial/investment research, investment advice, or an offer to buy or sell securities by Julius Baer. Please refer to www.juliusbaer.com/legal/podcasts for important legal information prior to listening to this podcast.