Ep. 030 - Ch. 4 Part 1 Royal Assassin - Dilemmas

FitzChivalry is still slowly recovering from his poisoning in the Mountain Kingdom, wakes up still weak, and immediately passes out to sleep through the day. A brief reunion with the Fool is the highlight of Fitz’s day before he gets lectured about the proper courting behavior expected of royals. Patience and Lacey take over his room and his health while also steering Fitz straight about his relationship with Molly. His life is not his own and belongs to King Shrewd. Over the course of the first half of this chapter, that simple fact is hammered into him by Patience and Chade. Join us in our discussion of Patience’s motivations, thoughts, and relationships with Chivalry and Fitz, and the parallels that appear between past events and the present.   Disclaimer: Emma’s microphone had a malfunction that we weren’t aware of while recording, so there is white noise as she speaks. We’ve tried to edit it so it is less apparent, but that also results in a slight warping in Emma’s voice for this episode. Ch. 4 Part 2 will also have white noise in it while Emma speaks.

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We read and discuss the Realm of the Elderlings by Robin Hobb, one chapter at a time. This is a reread and so we talk about the whole story and spoilers!