Ep. 045 - Ch. 17 Royal Assassin - Interludes

This week we talk about how the choices FitzChivalry makes has impact on the world and his refusal to acknowledge it. He writes a vulnerable letter to someone he doesn't love, surprises Molly with a picnic (and finally talks to her), internalizes anger at the King for his marriage situation, and mopes about the consequences of his own procrastination. After a few important conversations, Fitz is left with another harsh reality check of who his life belongs to and how his birth affects his future. We're reading Royal Assassin by Robin Hobb, book 2 of the Farseer Trilogy.

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We read and discuss the Realm of the Elderlings by Robin Hobb, one chapter at a time. This is a reread and so we talk about the whole story and spoilers!