Ep. 140 - Ch. 26 Ship of Magic - Gifts

Amber and Paragon have been bonding in Bingtown. One day, she brings a carved necklace for Paragon, who grows suspicious of her motives. Elsewhere in Bingtown, the Vestrit household is quiet while Ronica and Keffria discuss their plans for the future. A Rain Wild gong rings out and a courting gift is dropped off for Malta, who throws a tantrum and steals it after the adults want to send it back. We're reading Ship of Magic by Robin Hobb, book 1 of the Liveship Traders in The Realm of the Elderlings.

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We read and discuss the Realm of the Elderlings by Robin Hobb, one chapter at a time. This is a reread and so we talk about the whole story and spoilers!