Ep. 168 - Ch. 12 Part 2 Mad Ship - Portrait of Vivacia

After leaving Kyle Haven's room, Wintrow is confronted by Sa'Adar. The crazed priest is still seeking revenge on Kyle and tries to sway Wintrow to his side, but Wintrow resists and goes to check on Kennit. The conversation the two have help Kennit reassess his situation and deepen the bond between them. Kennit is healing and ready to resume his position as captain. Meanwhile, Brashen sees Vivacia in Divvytown and has a plan to get to Bingtown warn the Vestrits. We're reading Mad Ship by Robin Hobb, book 2 of the Liveship Traders in The Realm of the Elderlings.

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We read and discuss the Realm of the Elderlings by Robin Hobb, one chapter at a time. This is a reread and so we talk about the whole story and spoilers!