Ep. 189 - Ch. 29 Part 1 Mad Ship - Bingtown Convergence

It's all coming together. Serilla and Satrap Cosgo are arriving at Bingtown with their Chalcedean escort. She has put her plans into place to gain power and now has to execute on them. Reyn and Grag are sailing down the Rain Wild River towards Bingtown, as well. Grag is spiraling a bit about his relationship with Althea while Reyn has been distracted with Dragon thoughts. We're reading Mad Ship by Robin Hobb, book 2 of the Liveship Traders in The Realm of the Elderlings.

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We read and discuss the Realm of the Elderlings by Robin Hobb, one chapter at a time. This is a reread and so we talk about the whole story and spoilers!