98. Eytan Sivak

Welcome to Danspoddens Isadoras episode 98 with Eytan Sivak, dancer and choreographer. Sit down and listen to his stories about dance, work and life, through Sweden and the world. And why he almost stopped dancing once. Then, get back to us so we know your thoughts on this interview and what you missed. enjoy! niclas and anita

Om Podcasten

I podcasten Danspodden Isadora möter du dansare och koreografer som bland annat pratar om samtida, klassisk, kommersiell och framtida dans. Intervjuar och klipper gör jag, Anita Emthén. Min sparringpartner heter Niclas Reimertz. Danspodden Isadora sänder i vanliga fall varannan torsdag med vissa undantag. Enjoy! -- In the podcast Danspodden Isadora you meet dancers and choreographers , active in everything from ballet to street dance, who talks about the future of dance - among other dance related things. My name is Anita Emthén and my partner is Niclas Reimertz. Danspodden Isadora airs every other Thursday but it may differ.