two thousand and sixteen a reverb review 2016 & very left wing At the end of 2016 isotopica find’s itself politically twisted, exhausted, and for virtually the first time ever, almost stunned into a radio silence..  As the banal and reactionary forces breaths a foul new life into intolerance ignorance and prejudice,  we present a highly processed and viciously attenuated ultra modernist sampling from this years isotopica musical playlists to hopefully remind us all, that despite many of our heroes having died and our enemies having even greater power……..  we will always be the resistance.

Om Podcasten

Isotopica is an experimental radio series with each episode having a unique theme and flavour, starting off at point A and hopefully, ending up in another alphabet altogether. Ingredients include a mixture of sonic essays, experimental sound and music, psychogeographic and notional detours, special guests, field and location recordings, interviews, conversations, critical analysis, plus Gallery installation works and performance, and all sprinkled with cultural marxist toppings. Isotopica is initially broadcast on London's Art radio station Resonance 104.4 FM, every Sunday 7-8 pm (UTC and UTC+1 summer) and streaming on,, and now on DAB in UK. UNCERTAIN TERMS AND CONDITIONS MAY APPLY.