Inside Out 82 - ENGLISH

Jenin, the old-new terror city continues to deliver death and destruction. The PA accuses Israel of the death of a seven-year-old boy. Are they trying to create another Muhammed al-Dura? Israel’s Central Election Committee calls for banning the Arab party, Balad, from running in the upcoming elections. American Jews are becoming outcasts at US universities as more and more universities ban what they call “Zionists.”

Om Podcasten

Israel Next er podcasten som inspirerer til et sunt Israelengasjement. Vi tar opp aktuelle nyheter slik de oppfattes i Israel, kultur, religion og hverdagsliv, den bibelske koblingen, og vi svarer på spørsmål. I studio sitter Roar Sørensen, leder for Israel Next, og Alette Sørensen.