Inside Out 92 - ENGLISH

As the demonstrations against the law reform continue into the third month, and the division among the people only deepen, Prime Minister Netanyahu finally took the reins of the process on Thursday. But still, there is no obvious solution to the situation. Meanwhile, the Knesset approved a law that annulled part of the Disengagement plan from 2005; Jews will now be allowed to visit northern Samaria again. This week’s Torah Portion speaks of vocation and sacrifices.

Om Podcasten

Israel Next er podcasten som inspirerer til et sunt Israelengasjement. Vi tar opp aktuelle nyheter slik de oppfattes i Israel, kultur, religion og hverdagsliv, den bibelske koblingen, og vi svarer på spørsmål. I studio sitter Roar Sørensen, leder for Israel Next, og Alette Sørensen.