Inside Out 93 - ENGLISH

As Israel is preparing for the celebration of Passover, the tension within society has been put on hold. Following an extremely dramatic week, opposition and coalition are now finally talking to each other. Hopefully, it will lead to results. In a related comment, I reflect on the way modern persons gather information, in Israel as well as here in Europe. The conclusion is that truth does not automatically come to us – we must search for it. In this weeks parasha, we will look at a paradox between the Torah text and the accompanying text from the prophetic books, the haftara.

Om Podcasten

Israel Next er podcasten som inspirerer til et sunt Israelengasjement. Vi tar opp aktuelle nyheter slik de oppfattes i Israel, kultur, religion og hverdagsliv, den bibelske koblingen, og vi svarer på spørsmål. I studio sitter Roar Sørensen, leder for Israel Next, og Alette Sørensen.