Inside Out 97 - ENGLISH

Tens of thousands of Israelis rejoice over the unification of Jerusalem – but not everyone is happy with the Jerusalem march. Netanyahu struggles with his coalition in budget issues, but is likely to come through this time as well. Mahmoud Abbas gets more extreme as more and more nations are pushed off by his rhetoric. And an inscribed curse found on Mount Ebal causes controversy among archaeologists. This week’s Torah portion deals with the significance of the silence of the desert – and with numbers.

Om Podcasten

Israel Next er podcasten som inspirerer til et sunt Israelengasjement. Vi tar opp aktuelle nyheter slik de oppfattes i Israel, kultur, religion og hverdagsliv, den bibelske koblingen, og vi svarer på spørsmål. I studio sitter Roar Sørensen, leder for Israel Next, og Alette Sørensen.