Who Was Where in the Bible? - ENGLISH

Where did Elijah run his half marathon; why did Judea and Samaria become so central, and why is Galilee mentioned so little in the Old Testament? In this episode we seek to answer these things and a lot of other stuff by looking at the topic many love to hate; geography. Follow us as we discover the Holy Land. We also talk a little about politics and Shavouout/Pentecost.

Om Podcasten

Israel Next er podcasten som inspirerer til et sunt Israelengasjement. Vi tar opp aktuelle nyheter slik de oppfattes i Israel, kultur, religion og hverdagsliv, den bibelske koblingen, og vi svarer på spørsmål. I studio sitter Roar Sørensen, leder for Israel Next, og Alette Sørensen.