This Is How You Charge More For Your Shoots

Hey there, fashion photographers! Welcome back to another episode of "It Starts With A Click," the podcast for all you creative souls out there who want to build a thriving, profitable, and holistic business. I'm Olivia Bossert, your host and founder of Olivia Bossert Education. Today, we're diving deep into the concept of delivering a "first-class" client experience and why it matters so much for your success. What Does "First Class" Even Mean? First class in my book means providing a client experience that's simply unparalleled—the best of the best. It's about going above and beyond to create a memorable and luxurious journey for your clients. Why Should We Focus on Delivering a First-Class Experience? When you prioritize delivering a first-class experience, magical things happen: Clients keep coming back to you, becoming loyal fans. Satisfied clients eagerly refer you to their friends and connections. You gain the confidence to charge a premium for your services, knowing you offer unmatched value. Everyone involved enjoys a more joyful experience, including yourself! Truly believing in your services and the outstanding experience you provide makes selling your photography services seamless and authentic. Identifying Areas for Improvement To level up your client experience, start by identifying areas that may not be "first class" yet. Take a moment to reflect on what needs improvement—what's that one thing you know you should work on? Recognizing Your Strengths Conversely, recognize what aspects of your service are already first class. List out the things you excel at and are truly proud of in your business. Specific Tips to Create a First-Class Shooting Experience Now, let's delve into actionable tips to make your shooting service truly first class: Respond Swiftly: Always reply to emails promptly, showing your clients they matter. Transparent Pricing: Use estimates to ensure your prices are clear and easy to negotiate. Professional Retouching: Consider outsourcing retouching to enhance the final product quality. Stunning Galleries: Share images in beautiful galleries to leave a lasting impression. Capture One Live: Simplify client selection with Capture One Live. Effortless Contracts: Opt for user-friendly contract software for a seamless process. Efficient Bookkeeping: Utilize bookkeeping software for easy-to-pay invoices. Timely Invoicing: Send invoices on time to maintain professionalism. Delivery Commitment: Always deliver images within the agreed-upon timeframe. Punctuality: Show up early to set, respecting your clients' time. Warm Greetings: Greet everyone on set with kindness and enthusiasm. Set the Mood: Play good music to create a positive atmosphere. Offer Assistance: Ask how you can help during the shoot. Shot Lists and Advice: Collaborate with clients on creating shot lists for a smooth process. Conclusion: By prioritizing the client experience before, during, and after shoots, you'll witness your fashion photography business flourishing. Remember, providing a first-class experience not only benefits your clients but also empowers you to charge what you're worth with absolute confidence. So, embrace the journey of creating a memorable and luxury-filled experience for your clientele, and watch your business soar! Thank you for tuning in to this episode of "It Starts With A Click." If you found this valuable, be sure to check out more resources on my website, Olivia Bossert Education, and follow me on Instagram @oliviabosserteducation and TikTok @oliviabosserteducation for even more photography tips and inspiration. Until next time, keep clicking and creating!

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"The Fashion Photography Show" is a podcast dedicated to teaching you how to build a creative, and profitable fashion photography business. Hosted by Olivia Bossert.