The Power of Putting YOU First: Unlock Your Best Self for Those You Love

Why putting yourself first isn't selfish—it's essential. It’s SELF FIRST!In this episode I will share the pivotal steps of prioritizing your well-being to become the ultimate version of yourself, for you and for everyone you care about.We often hear the term "self-care" but what does it really mean to put yourself first? And how can doing so make you a better partner, parent, friend, and overall human being? This episode is a must-listen for anyone feeling stretched thin, battling burnout, or simply looking to enhance their relationships through the power of personal growth. Remember, you can't pour from an empty cup. By the end of our time together, you'll have the tools and motivation to start putting yourself first.Tune in, take that first step towards self-love, and unleash the best version of yourself—for you and for all those around you!P.s If you’re pumped to make even more of an impact and stride side by side with me towards changing the world, then I’ve got just the thing. Click here to discover how you can step up and become an ambassador.

Om Podcasten

Changing your beliefs, getting uncomfortable and being bold is no easy task - IT TAKES GRIT. Especially in the world we life in right now where being a victim gets your attention and being average is celebrated.I am here to make sure you know what it takes to reach your full trajectory, how to get through the tough times, to keep you on track and get you results by being a shoot talker with no BS or fluff.Here to give you the real deal and GRIT on what it takes to be successful, make a difference the world and be happy. You will leave each episode with tangible advise that when you choose to implement, will change your life and mindset forever!Join me as I take you on a journey of self discovery, a broadened mindset and a life without limits. From a small town in England to running an international business, having global impact and now living in Florida. I openly share my experiences, challenges and tools with you so you can see just of how I got where I am today. (And show you that you can too!).This podcast certainly makes for an easy listen, with hand picked guests and solo episodes, all while providing you with an action plan to stop living in the past, cut out shit talking to yourself and put you on the right path to achieve your dreams and desires!Learn about being an AMBASSADOR with me here!