229 AWS with Jónas Helgi Pálsson (No)

Jónas Helgi Pálsson has worked at Redpill Linpro for 16 years, focusing on operations and virtualization. Today, he works with OpenStack, which is used to operate solutions on Redpill Linpro’s own cloud, RLNC – used both for internal needs and for customers. Want to know how the world’s largest cloud service works? Don’t forget to listen to this episode of IT Talks!

Om Podcasten

IT Talks (produced by Redpill Linpro) lets you in on how it is to work with us, how customers have solved IT challenges, the open source perspective, new industry trends by our partners, and much more. We have offices in Denmark, Norway, and Sweden – and we have recorded talks at all of our locations and the chats are held in local language.