Ep. 2218 Andrey Batkilin | Everybody Needs A Bit Of Scienza

Welcome to Episode 2218 of the Italian Wine Podcast and Everybody Needs a Bit of Scienza, where Professor Scienza takes questions from the international wine community and answers them in his own inimitable way! These shows are generally in the Italian language.  Today’s question comes from Andrey Batkilin. Today’s question(s):  What's your opinion about the new Chianti Classico UGA classification system of 11 villages that started with the 2020 vintage?  Qual è la Sua opinione sul nuovo sistema di classificazione UGA del Chianti Classico, basato su 11 comuni e introdotto con l'annata 2020? Does this help the customer to understand the style of a particular wine or is it more about the geographical location of the producer inside Chianti Classico zone, where each makes wine "with their own taste"? Ritiene che questo aiuti il consumatore a comprendere meglio lo stile di un determinato vino o sia più legato alla posizione geografica del produttore all'interno della zona del Chianti Classico, dove ciascuno produce vini "secondo il proprio gusto"? In your opinion, is there a more pragmatic and more accessible NEXT STEP to understanding the differences in wines from different "corners" of this fairly large wine zone?  Secondo Lei, quale potrebbe essere il prossimo passo per comprendere - in modo pragmatico e accessibile -le differenze tra i vini provenienti dai diversi "angoli" di questa vasta zona vinicola? More about Professor Scienza: Professor Atillio Scienza is the one who checks all the facts and regulates when we mistakenly type “Verdicchio” instead of “Vermentino.” He is a full professor at the University of Milan in the Department of Agricultural and Food Sciences where he teaches courses on genetic improvements to the vine; he also teaches Viticulture in the Master’s program of the University of Turin in Asti. He has been the lead for many national research projects in the field of physiology, agricultural techniques, and vine genetics. As the author of over 350 publications on vine and viticulture in national and international journals, you can bet he knows his stuff! To find out more about Attilio Scienza visit: https://www.vinitaly.com/formazione/vinitaly-international-academy/attilio-scienza/  _______________________________ Let's keep in touch! Follow Italian Wine Podcast on our social media channels: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/italianwinepodcast/  Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ItalianWinePodcast  Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/itawinepodcast  Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@mammajumboshrimp  LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/italianwinepodcast  If you feel like helping us, donate here: https://www.italianwinepodcast.com/donate-to-show/  Until next time, Cin Cin! Share your love for our lovely Professor if you are a true Italian Wine Geek :)

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The Italian Wine Podcast is a storytelling project dedicated to the fascinating world of Italian wine. New episodes are published every day – so stay tuned! With more grape varieties and more diverse grape growing regions than any other country in the world, the story of Italian wine is a rich and captivating one. While the popularity of Italian wine continues to grow in every corner of the globe, inspired by a deep affection for the Italian way of life, the Italian Wine Podcast seeks to entertain, educate and inform. Embracing Italian food, travel, lifestyle and culture, IWP has something for every taste!