BONUS: The US midterms elections special

Tuesday 8th November marked a decisive day in the US political calendar - the midterms elections - which set the scene for the rest of Biden's presidency and beyond. Following a summer of positive polling for the Democrats, some were cautiously optimistic that they would defy historic trends and hold on to their narrow majorities in both houses.  The question now is not only whether Democrats will keep control of the Senate, but what the latest round of elections will do to the health and state of US democracy. On Tuesday 15th November, to give their expert views on everything from the runners and riders to wider trends shaping the US landscape we were joined by 3 brilliant strategists, campaigners and commentators:  Sky Gallegos is a Founding Partner at Hilltop Public Solutions, a political consulting firm based in DC that manages high-stakes, high-profile campaigns, builds coalitions and mobilizes grassroots advocates across the country. Ashley McBride is a managing director of Amare Public Affairs and has over 20 years of experience of winning Democratic and progressive political and issue-based campaigns. Frank Sharry is the founder of America's Voice and a long-time advocate for immigration reform and democratic rights. Membership supports everything we do.  Join the movement, become a memberSupport the showEnjoyed the podcast and want to be a live audience member at our next episode? Want to have the chance in raising questions to the panelist?Support our work and be a part of the Compass community. Become a member!You can find us on Twitter at @CompassOffice.

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