026 - Inhumans With Phil Catterall

It’s Good, Except It Sucks is a movie by movie – and television series by television series – hurtle through the Marvel Cinematic Universe, hosted by Tim Worthington with a series of superpowered guests. This time it's Inhumans from 2017, and joining Tim to talk about that stupid dog and that drippy girl doing absolutely nothing whatsoever is Phil Catterall, co-host of the Don’t Let’s Chart podcast. What will they find to say about where Maximus shops for haircare products, Dominic Fortune's lack of fortune, and what happens in Jessica Jones and Guardians Of The Galaxy in preference to talking about anything to do with Inhumans, and what does any of this have to do with xx? Get listening and find out! You can find more editions of It's Good, Except It Sucks at http://timworthington.org/

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A movie by movie - and television series by television series - hurtle through the Marvel Cinematic Universe, hosted by Tim Worthington with a series of superpowered guests.