Brewers Cup Champion Makes Waves in Qatar | Live at World of Coffee Dubai - EDUARD INOCENCIO!

Day 3 Baby! Our ‘World Of Coffee Dubai Special’ is just heating up… Today we welcome the winner of the 2024 Qatar National Brewers Cup, Eduard Inocencio! Eduard's passion for coffee began in the Philippines, where he first worked as a barista. In 2017, he relocated to Qatar and quickly became a trailblazer of the country's specialty coffee scene. He’s now a production roaster at Honoroast Specialty Coffee and is set to compete in the World Brewers Cup later this year in Jakarta. In today’s show: We discuss the importance of education in the coffee community, Eduardo’s winning brewing techniques, the coffee scene in the Middle East and the global spread of coffee expertise and entrepreneurship. Plus! Eduard delivers an extra hot (and sweet) take involving Dunkin Donuts..?  If you're new here (welcome), our show dives into some of the best coffee conversations on the internet, but we will always remind ourselves at the end of the day; It's Just Coffee! Thank-you to Eduard Inocencio for joining the show, it was such a pleasure! Find Eduard at - @johninorocks Instagram:  Where to find us: Rohan Cooke - Instagram:  Kirk Pearson - @kirkthebarista Instagram:  Proudly sponsored by Eco Barista! Find them: @ecobarista Instagram:   Website:  Want more coffee content? Follow us on instagram @itsjustcoffee or browse all of our content here. Love you for listening! Want to get in touch? Hit us up at for any questions or comments. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Om Podcasten

Whether you’re a world barista champion brewing a $150 rare coffee from the hills of Panama, or you’re stirring a spoon of instant coffee in boiling water, at the end of the day, It’s Just Coffee! It’s Just Coffee! is a podcast for all those coffee lovers out there and we're endeavouring on a journey to find the perfect cup. Not only will we be talking to the world’s best coffee makers and roasters, we’re going to be talking to athletes, comedians, celebrities and anyone that just loves a great cup of coffee. The coffee community around the world is engaged and passionate (sometimes to a fault), and we want to explore some of the biggest debates that happen across the Internet, and in the local cafe around the corner from you. Questions like: • Which country has the best coffee in the world? • Should it be illegal to mix milk in black coffee? • Is Starbucks actually coffee? We’ll dive into some of the best coffee conversations on the internet, but we will always remind ourselves at the end of the day, that It’s Just Coffee!