No Hablo Español

This week we have our old friend Alyssa Saenz on the pod talking (and ranting) about what it's like to grow up near the Texas/Mexico border not speaking Spanish and how that has affected her Latinx identity. It's hard when you identify with two cultures, but you're not really "enough" of one or the other. Now that Alyssa has grown up and moved away from what she's known, she's had to break down other people's expectations of her.Alyssa Y Saenz is a Tejana living in Los Angeles pursuing a care...

Om Podcasten

It's Personal is brought to you by the girls of Pants Optional. We believe that opening up a dialogue and discussion with others about topics relating to millennial struggles like mental health, un/employment and all things personal will make this weird transition a little easier to handle. Laugh and cry with us as we navigate our way into adulthood through spongebob references and general outrage. Follow us on IG @ugh_pants for more content and better memes and be sure to check out our blogs and other fun stuff at - thanks for stopping by.