105: Beginning Anew, Embracing the Joy of Becoming

Little kids are always trying new things but adults often reach a point in life where they only time they change in a big way is when life happens To them. We can be an agent of change in our live to move us towards our dreams all our live and at any age. I did my best to share my thoughts and experience with this here. If you want to learn more about steps I took to deconstruct the life I thought I was supposed to live and build the life I want to live please check out my book AFTERLife, Waking up from My American Dream. --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/carlopodcast/support

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Become a Paid Subscriber: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/carlopodcast/subscribe Welcome to: It’s the Journey!  This is a podcast where I want to explore the means, methods, tools and examples of living on purpose, living the life we want, doing the thing things that light us up!  Things that make us feel like we are alive, growing, and making a difference.  I’m having so much fun with the project. I hope it is helpful and fun for you too. Cheers! Carlo www.carloblog.com Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/carlopodcast/support