Episode 70: Use Your Career for Personal Development, Not Your Life for Career Development

In this episode, I reflect back on how I used my career to achieve my goals and develop as a person.  I recently was giving my son some advice as he started working a part-time job during college.  He's studying business and working at a pizza restaurant in the kitchen. I encouraged him to observe how the business itself functioned.  How he was managed and trained.  How they handled inventory.  How they served customers.  How they handled problems.  I told him that what he was learning in those areas was likely going to be far more valuable for his growth than what he is learning in school.  That was my experience from my first experience earning money cutting grass to my final career.   In hindsight I found a way to make the most out of situations I found myself in and that made huge difference in my life.   Are you using your career or job to grow personally?  Where is it taking you? --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/carlopodcast/support

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Become a Paid Subscriber: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/carlopodcast/subscribe Welcome to: It’s the Journey!  This is a podcast where I want to explore the means, methods, tools and examples of living on purpose, living the life we want, doing the thing things that light us up!  Things that make us feel like we are alive, growing, and making a difference.  I’m having so much fun with the project. I hope it is helpful and fun for you too. Cheers! Carlo www.carloblog.com Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/carlopodcast/support