Shanee's Gems: Protecting Your Energy
Shanee Rosenberg, M.S., is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and AAMFT Supervisor Candidate from Las Vegas, NV. She is a part-time instructor at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas and at the University of Wisconsin-Stout. Shanee teaches undergraduate courses in human sexuality, multicultural issues in families, and personal growth. She is currently finishing up her AAMFT Approved Supervisor requirements by supervising and teaching marriage and family therapy graduate students in a low-cost, community clinic. In addition to her psychotherapy practice and teaching, Shanee works one day a week as an intake and assessment counselor for a behavioral health hospital in Carson City, Nevada. Join Las Vegas Licensed Marriage and Family Therapists Jacent Wamala and Shanee Rosenberg for a conversation about being an empath and how to manage the current climate. Connect with Shanee Shanee's Facebook Connect: Find | Jacent Wamala, LMFT At On Instagram On Youtube SUBSCRIBE | The Jacent’s Gems Podcast On On Apple Podcasts