The Amusement Part Defunctland Episode

The Amusement Park Defunctland Episode: Listening to too much Defunctland, Lessons Learned from the Amusement Park Historians, The Unique Situations of Roller Coasters, The Common Threads, The Lessons and Inspirations. A bit of a love letter to Kevin Perjurer's Defunctland series, a youtube series which brings together, especially as time goes on, a really deep and rich overview of very well-researched stories of rides and amusement parks. Two that represent my favorites: Walt's Epcot: (Citizen Kane Parody of EPCOT's Story): Live From the Space Stage (Amazing Documentary on a Space Band): Jason Scott Talks His Way Out Of It is supported by Patreon subscribers. You can check out episodes before anyone else and help me with various bills and debts as they arise by joining up at

Om Podcasten

Historian and loudmouth Jason Scott shares stories of technology, retrocomputing, documentary filmmaking, and general schennanigans from his decades of travels and research. From experiences on the road while shooting documentaries to often-obscure points of order, Jason keeps a fast-moving pace and even he doesn't know where we're ending up at the end.