Episode 78. OracleCodeOne, the interviews!

OracleCodeOne just happened... and Freddy and Bob couldn't go... So they recruited the help of Josh Juneau to go out there and capture interviews from anyone who would talk to us! Apparently they did, and we packaged all in this hour-long episode for your enjoyment! Everything from community building, to what's hot in the Java space, to takes from the conference are covered in this series of five minute interviews.

So take a listen! It's the next best thing if we couldn't go to OracleCodeOne.

And don't forget to follow JavaPubHouse on twitter! Where we will be sharing new tech news, and tutorials!

Lastly, if you haven't visited us in a while, javapubhouse.com had a new facelift. We made it easier to find episodes, and information about our podcast!

We thank DataDogHQ for sponsoring this podcast episode

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Om Podcasten

This podcast talks about how to program in Java; not your tipical system.out.println("Hello world"), but more like real issues, such as O/R setups, threading, getting certain components on the screen or troubleshooting tips and tricks in general. The format is as a podcast so that you can subscribe to it, and then take it with you and listen to it on your way to work (or on your way home), and learn a little bit more (or reinforce what you knew) from it.