#475: The Unpopular Reality Of Progressive Overload

I'm sure you've heard that progressive overload is the most important thing in strength training.  But you may be looking at it all wrong.  In fact, the common approach to progressive overload may be complete BULLSH*T. What?! I know. Put your pitch forks down. Before you crucify me and label me a charlatan, press play. You may be surprised.  Why does the commonly held approach to progressive overload need to be reconsidered? [1:45] What's the correct way to progress in the gym? [7:40] So what's the key to hypertrophy? [15:00] Do you need to throw out your log book/workout tracker? [18:58] Is progressive overload more than putting more weight on the bar? [23:40] Sponsors Nootopia: The newest addition to your morning routine. All day energy, clarity, and focus without the jitters and crashes. Enhance your mental performance, boost you immunity, and get that glowing, healthy skin we all desire by going to nootopia.com/jaygenius and be sure to use the coupon code JAY10 to save 10%.  Organifi: You put in the work every day. Now let Organifi Gold put in work for you while you sleep. Get the rest you deserve, optimize your recovery, and feel more relaxed during the day by going to organifi.com/renegade and using the coupon code RENEGADE to save 20%.

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Helping men build muscle, lose fat and optimize testosterone, in the most effective ways possible. Jay Ferruggia shares his 27 years of experience and expertise. He’s an advisor to NFL, MLB, and WWE athletes, and countless high performing businessmen. Jay has been featured on/in CBS, ESPN, Men’s Health, Details, and Men’s Fitness. Apply the advice in this show and you WILL build the body you want, no matter your age.