9 Keys to Winning Your Day

Today, I'm giving you the morning routine that will leave you winning all day, every day.  In order to become your strongest, most elite self you've got to start your day properly.  Dominate your morning, you'll dominate your days, and you'll dominate your life.  I've got you covered here with the 9 keys to winning your day... The #1 rule for daily domination. [0:32] Do this every morning and watch your mindset drastically improve. [4:09] If you're not asking yourself these questions, you're selling yourself short. [8:52] Optimizing your sleep starts in the morning... Here's how. [17:55] What's the key to finding vision and purpose in your life? [20:15] When is the optimal time to train? [22:35] Sponsors Athletic Greens: A high impact blend of a multivitamin, minerals, probiotics, and more to improve your gut health, immunity, and boost your energy and recovery. Go to athleticgreens.com/jay for your exclusive offer.  Blokes: If you're a man over 35 you should be getting full panel blood work every 6 months IF you want to maximize your health. Go to blokes.co/jay to get started today. Organifi: Increase mental clarity, brain vibrance with this specialized blend that's formulated with ingredients proven to promote stimulation in learning, memory, and focus. Go to organifi.com/renegade to try Pure today. 

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Helping men build muscle, lose fat and optimize testosterone, in the most effective ways possible. Jay Ferruggia shares his 27 years of experience and expertise. He’s an advisor to NFL, MLB, and WWE athletes, and countless high performing businessmen. Jay has been featured on/in CBS, ESPN, Men’s Health, Details, and Men’s Fitness. Apply the advice in this show and you WILL build the body you want, no matter your age.