Are You Making These 3 Common Mistakes Too?

If you have a lagging muscle group, your training may not be the problem.  Chances are, it's not your diet or recovery either.  "Then what's the problem, Jay?! Why won't my f*cking (insert body part here) grow?!?!!!" The answer may surprise you.  Find out what it is (and a few other mistakes that are keeping you fat and weak) in today's episode... The shocking truth about higher frequency. [0:35] My Top-5 ab exercises. [7:45] What's the best training split for recreational athletes? [10:52] Best exercises for training legs at home with minimal equipment? [16:51] The common mistakes that keep you fat and weak. [17:50] Should you be worried about... your boxers?! [26:13] Allow me to reintroduce myself. [32:40] What's the secret to a hard, dense-looking body? [38:48] Ready to transform your physique, elevate your mind, and upgrade your life? Let's see if you're a fit for my 1-on-1 coaching program.  Sponsors BiOptimizers: An all-in-one solution to improve your sleep, mood, stress tolerance, anxiety levels, health, vitality, and so much more. Go to and use code JAY10 to save 10%. Bub's: The purest form of collagen, sustainably sourced from grass fed and pasture raised cows. Essential for joint health, muscle recovery, gut health and more. Go to and use code JAY to get 20% off your order.  Cured Nutrition: No jitters. No caffeine. No crash. Just clean and clear brain energy for lasting, unbreakable focus. Go to and use code RENEGADE to try RISE today and save 20%.

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Helping men build muscle, lose fat and optimize testosterone, in the most effective ways possible. Jay Ferruggia shares his 27 years of experience and expertise. He’s an advisor to NFL, MLB, and WWE athletes, and countless high performing businessmen. Jay has been featured on/in CBS, ESPN, Men’s Health, Details, and Men’s Fitness. Apply the advice in this show and you WILL build the body you want, no matter your age.