The One Exercise You Should Be Doing Every Week of the Year

There's one exercise that you should be doing every week of the year.  It'll strengthen your lower back, abs, and glutes while improving your posture, grip strength, balance, and coordination. What is it?  Find out, and much more, in today's episode... 3 ways to strengthen and bulletproof your lower back. [7:36] What's the best way to approach cheat meals? [11:14] When is a 5-day body part split effective? [18:39] Why including deadlifts on a pull day isn't always a good idea. [23:40] Should you be eating fewer carbs on cardio days? [25:10] This is the most studied, and proven, supplement on the planet. [28:07] 4 keys to naturally boosting testosterone. [31:05] Sponsors BiOptimizers: An all-in-one solution to improve your sleep, mood, stress tolerance, anxiety levels, health, vitality, and so much more. Go to and use code JAY10 to save 10%. Organifi: Increase mental clarity, brain vibrance with this specialized blend that's formulated with ingredients proven to promote stimulation in learning, memory, and focus. Go to to try Pure today. Mentioned in this episode Lucy Rice 'N Grinds (Coupon Code: JAY)

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Helping men build muscle, lose fat and optimize testosterone, in the most effective ways possible. Jay Ferruggia shares his 27 years of experience and expertise. He’s an advisor to NFL, MLB, and WWE athletes, and countless high performing businessmen. Jay has been featured on/in CBS, ESPN, Men’s Health, Details, and Men’s Fitness. Apply the advice in this show and you WILL build the body you want, no matter your age.