Jazz Piano Voicings For Comping: The 2 BEST Pro Voicings
A fellow musician who is learning how to play jazz piano mentioned that all the voicings he uses sound to thin. I asked him what voicings he was using. He said he was using a lot of drop 2's and rootless voicings in the high register of the piano. BOOM. There is the issue. The number 1 issue in fact that students have when comping jazz on piano. Most videos, blogs, even teachers, teach about rootless voicings, or upper structure voicings that are all up high. Most students should actually begin they're comping journey down low with these 2 voicings! Enjoy! If you're interested in receiving a free notated pdf of my 22 most favorite jazz piano voicings go to the link below. https://materials.jazzpianoschool.com/our-top-22-voicings