Episode 8: Love, South of France, and Stolen Range Rovers …

Bonjour les amis! Episode 8 is here, and it’s instantly become a classic. Jean Paul & Lucas invite their friend Charles for an unforgettable conversation: whether it’s about love, South of France or discussing stolen Range Rovers, this episode has it all.Join our fun and lighthearted conversation by joining our Patreon below to participate in the next Q&A:https://www.patreon.com/NarpyVintage

Om Podcasten

Welcome aboard les amis on this journey with Jean Paul, the creator of Narpy Vintage and his co-host Lucas. Narpy Vintage, ‘NV’, a digital publication that explores savoir-faire and the art of craftsmanship through humor. Jean Paul & Co. The Podcast takes NV to the next level and aims to elevate the podcast experience in its unique genre.