Camera Position 182 : The Art of the ‘Zine

In a few past episodes, we’ve looked at alternate ways to get your work in front of an audience, and here’s another one: ‘Zines.  This “low-fi” type of publication is a great (and cheap) way of getting your work into others’ hands. I use my former student Michael Jarecki’s ‘Zine “Just Make Pictures” as an example of how it can work.
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Links for this Episode:

* Michael Jarecki – His ‘zine “Just Make Pictures” is also the name of his blog

* Order Mike’s ‘zine here
* If you’re in Chicago, you can find Mike’s ‘zine here

* Allison Smith’s ‘zine is also worth checking out
* Camera Position on Facebook – Share your images
* Camera Position on Flickr – Share your images
* Sign up for the Workshops Mailing List – Planning is underway for the 2017 Italy Photography Workshops

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Photography podcasts that deal with the why of photography over the how and discuss the essential qualities of the medium from the point of view of the creative photographer.