Camera Position 50 : Messages From Your Website

What does your website say about who you are as a photographer? Does your site clearly define your goals or do you use your site’s pages as a dumping ground for every photograph you’ve ever made?
In this episode of Camera Position, I look at the way in which web pages can tell us whether our photographs – and what we tell the world about them- are on-target or missing the mark.

In addition to Kenna and Blackmon’s websites linked above, here are some other web resources for this podcast:

* PDN Online – Photo District News’ website
* PDN Photo Annual – The list of PDN’s “best of the best” for this year
* Jeff’s Website – My website’s  homepage
* Evidence of Hands on Stone – My domain that points to my main project

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Photography podcasts that deal with the why of photography over the how and discuss the essential qualities of the medium from the point of view of the creative photographer.