Camera Position 62 : Is Beauty Enough?

Is beauty enough in a photograph? It’s an odd concept in photography, especially in today’s visual world where so many photographers seem to ignore it. Or… are they ignoring it? We take a look.

Santo Stefano di Sessanio, Abruzzo, 2007
Photograph by Jeff Curto
(click to enlarge)
Links for this Episode:

* Robert Adams’ Beauty in Photography @
* Alec Soth’s contemporary “landscape” photography
* Derek Henderson’s The Terrible Boredom of Paradise

* Camera Position #49 – “Know Thy Subject”

* Terry Bowyer’s comment
* Jeff’s response to Terry

* Ted Byrne’s essay in response to this podcast at his Imagefiction blog

Om Podcasten

Photography podcasts that deal with the why of photography over the how and discuss the essential qualities of the medium from the point of view of the creative photographer.