01 Dec 23 – Satanic Indoctrination at Georgetown University

Today's Topics: 1) Satanic indoctrination: Georgetown University forced to fund devil worship lecture using school alumni and donor money https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/11/satanic-indoctrination-georgetown-university-forced-fund-development-worship/ 2, 3) Exorcist warns against attending Taylor Swift concerts due to witchcraft https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/exorcist-taylor-swift-witchcraft/ 4) Join us at our Rosary Rally on Thursday, 07 Dec 23, at the Arizona Financial Theatre, 400 West Washington Street, Phoenix, AZ  85003, where drag queens are hosting a "Christmas" drag event

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Three ex-cops on fire with the Catholic Faith: Jesse Romero, Eddie Chavez and Ruben Nava share true stories of spiritual warfare from the streets of L.A. Join the SOUL PATROL as they take on the world, the flesh and the devil with "just the facts!"