Cry Baby Ghost - Campfire 599

A "cry baby" nighttime ghost, a haunted prison, a mysterious voice saves a young woman, and much more strangeness on this week's CAMPFIRE! --- Please support our great sponsors as they make our free podcasts possible! -RAYCON- Raycon wireless earbuds are the best way to bring audio with you, because no matter how much you shake things up—literally, no matter how much you shake—you know they won’t fall out of your ears. Right now, Campfire listeners can get 15% off their Raycon order at -GRAMMARLY- I love using Grammarly to improve my writing here at The Spooky Studio. The right tone can move any project forward when you get it just right with Grammarly. Go to to download and learn more about Grammarly Premium’s advanced tone suggestions. -TRANSCRIPT- CLICK HERE for a full transcript! -- For more information on our podcast data policy CLICK HERE

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Creepy TRUE stories of paranormal phenomena of all types. Ghost stories, UFO, cryptids and more! This feed reflects the last 90 days of content, Jim Harold's Campfire has been in production since 2009 with over 390 episodes. True ghost stories, hauntings, life after death stories and more. Hosted by Jim Harold.