The Entity In My Bed - Campfire 582

An entity crawled into our caller's bed! Stories of living in haunted apartments, an angel who saved a storyteller and much more on this edition the Campfire! --  Please support our sponsors as they help make our shows possible. Thank you. -RAYCON- Raycon wireless earbuds and audio products are the perfect holiday gift! Right now, go to to get 15% off SITEWIDE with code HOLIDAY, plus FREE SHIPPING! -STAMPS.COM- takes the pain out of shipping. There’s NO risk. And with my promo code, campfire, you get a special offer that includes a 4-week trial PLUS free postage and a digital shipping scale. No long-term commitments or contracts. Just go to, click on the microphone at the TOP of the homepage, and type in campfire. -POLICYGENIUS- Policygenius makes it easy to get life insurance done (and done right). You could save 50% or more by comparing quotes, and feel good knowing that your loved ones would be taken care of if anything were to happen. Go to to get started. -TRANSCRIPT- CLICK HERE for a full transcript. -- For more information on our podcast data policy CLICK HERE

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TRUE Ghost stories, hauntings, shadow people, demons, UFOs, cryptids and more! Everyday people share their personal stories of paranormal phenomena. This feed reflects the last 90 days of content, Jim Harold's Campfire has been in production since 2009 with over 660 episodes. Hosted by Jim Harold.