What is your greatest achievement?

Click here to check out my new YouTube channel! Interviewers ask you about your greatest achievement to understand your definition of success and to assess if you are a good cultural fit, willing to go the extra mile to deliver outstanding results. In this episode, I show you a simple, five-step approach to picking the right example and presenting it compellingly.

Om Podcasten

Based on insights into who is really getting the job (plus exactly how they do it), this podcast is a new and simple approach to job interview preparation. Each episode is only five minutes long. This way, you can make progress even if you only have a couple of minutes. It contains one specific topic, gives you the relevant background and a clear and simple, step-by-step approach to help you prepare the perfect answers. Visit www.InterviewPreparationSimplified.com for more information on how to prepare for an interview, to provide feedback or to make suggestions for upcoming episodes..