Divorce and The Family Business: For the Affluent Women - How to Preserve and Enhance your Lifestyle During and Beyond Divorce

When it comes to dollars and sense there is much for the affluent wife to understand. However, it is your mindset that drives your success, not your understanding of the financial complexities which is why I asked Olivia Summerhill to speak to you! Olivia has a very specialized niche… She helps affluent women preserve and enhance their lifestyle after divorce, helping them gain control of their money situation and understand their wealth, goals, and values moving forward. Olivia’s financial career began at JP Morgan Chase in 2012. She quickly developed a reputation for being an expert resource for high-net-worth families and invested her energy in getting certified in every area that could help her ultra high net clients. Olivia is a Certified Philanthropic Advisor, Chartered Retirement Plan Specialist, Behavioral Financial Advisor, and Certified Financial Planner, Certified Divorce Specialist, Money Coach, and Certified Divorce Financial Analyst. Check out Olivia here:https://www.linkedin.com/in/oliviasummerhill/ https://www.summerhillfirm.com/ https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/why-i-do-what-i-do/id1546130936?i=1000503223534 Request a Free Rapid Relief Call at http://rapidreliefcall.com/ For more information on Journey Beyond Divorce visit: www.jbddivorcesupport.com

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Divorce provides a perfect opportunity to begin identifying and practicing new ways of thinking, being, and doing. Our Journey Beyond Divorce podcasts help you to navigate the shifting world that you currently inhabit, and utilize your struggles as stepping-stones that lead to inner strength, clarity, and confidence. If you are seeking personal one-on-one coaching visit www.JourneyBeyondDivorce.com.