JBD Team Talks: Communicating with Mastery During High Conflict Divorce

The way we communicate will make or break our divorce. It will move us closer to what we desire or farther away. It will invite curiosity and compromise or judgement and destruction. In order to be able to communicate with mastery, we need to first be aware of our triggers and ways of behaving under stress. We also need to be able to read other people, their mood, body language and tone. When we combine these skills with clear communication, we are on the right path. With me today is Lisa Brick, JBD Partner and Divorce Coach and Carrie Doubts, JBD Divorce Coach. Together we discuss tips and strategies to communicate with mastery. Journey Beyond Divorce Resources mentioned in this episode: BIFF - Bill Eddy's Book JBD Podcast - High Conflict Divorce: How to Remain Peaceful, Productive and Professional Request a Free Rapid Relief Call

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Divorce provides a perfect opportunity to begin identifying and practicing new ways of thinking, being, and doing. Our Journey Beyond Divorce podcasts help you to navigate the shifting world that you currently inhabit, and utilize your struggles as stepping-stones that lead to inner strength, clarity, and confidence. If you are seeking personal one-on-one coaching visit www.JourneyBeyondDivorce.com.