JBD Team Talks: Divorce Restructures the Family - About Family Systems

If you are going through a divorce - or contemplating taking this step - and you have children, this podcast is for you. There are many who hold the position that divorce harms children. There is also a lot of information out there that claims this is not necessarily true. Under the best circumstances, children can emerge from “broken” families without being damaged in the process. Today we will talk about family systems, the impact that divorce can have on the system, the challenges to the system, and ways to handle these challenges that do not damage families, and specifically the children. You'll learn the secret to healing a fractured family system so you and your children can emerge from your divorce with clarity, calm, and confidence that your decisions are being made for the highest good of all concerned. Journey Beyond Divorce Resources mentioned in this episode: Book a Free Rapid Relief Call: http://rapidreliefcall.com Take the "How Toxic is my Marriage" Quiz: https://www.jbddivorcesupport.com/toxicquiz

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Divorce provides a perfect opportunity to begin identifying and practicing new ways of thinking, being, and doing. Our Journey Beyond Divorce podcasts help you to navigate the shifting world that you currently inhabit, and utilize your struggles as stepping-stones that lead to inner strength, clarity, and confidence. If you are seeking personal one-on-one coaching visit www.JourneyBeyondDivorce.com.