JBD Team Talks: When Your Spouse Shows Up Like A Kid

How do you handle coparenting when your spouse (or soon to be ex) is behaving more like a kid? There may be underlying issues like substance use, neurodiversity or they just may be (much) less responsible than you wish they were. How do you navigate things like shared custody and lifestyle decisions for your kids, when they just aren't in the same place? Karen & Diane challenge our listeners to explore their part in the dynamic, and discuss the fine line between having compassion and caretaking (or even co-dependency!) They also will provide some concrete tools to make solid decisions from a place of discernment rather than from fear. CONTACT JOURNEY BEYOND DIVORCE: Request a Free Rapid Relief Call with Diane Dempster: http://rapidreliefcall.com/ For more information on Journey Beyond Divorce visit: www.jbddivorcesupport.com

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Divorce provides a perfect opportunity to begin identifying and practicing new ways of thinking, being, and doing. Our Journey Beyond Divorce podcasts help you to navigate the shifting world that you currently inhabit, and utilize your struggles as stepping-stones that lead to inner strength, clarity, and confidence. If you are seeking personal one-on-one coaching visit www.JourneyBeyondDivorce.com.