Overcoming Emotional Hurdles in Men's Divorce with Master NLP Practitioner & Certified Life Coach, Rachael Sloan

This episode dives deep into the unique struggles men face during divorce, from the pervasive feeling of being unable to protect their children to the profound loss of identity that comes from no longer being seen as the family's provider and protector.   Episode Highlights   Understanding Men's Unique Challenges During Divorce Societal Expectations and Biases The societal challenges men face during divorce, including the judgment of being seen as villains and navigating a biased legal system. Emotional Struggles and Mental Health Concerns The emotional hurdles men encounter, from feelings of inadequacy as a provider and protector to the alarming statistic that divorced men are nine times more likely to commit suicide than the average person.   Strategies for Emotional Recovery and Resilience Developing Emotional Intelligence Techniques for men to break through lifelong conditioning to suppress emotions and find safe spaces for emotional expression. Healing and Moving Forward Practical steps for overcoming shock, betrayal, grief, and anger to build healthier relationships and achieve emotional recovery.   Guest Spotlight: Rachael Sloan Who is Rachael Sloan: Rachael Sloan is a Master NLP Practitioner, Certified Life Coach, and the creator of Better Beyond Divorce. Her program focuses on emotional recovery for men facing the challenges of divorce. With her deep expertise in helping men navigate their emotional landscapes, Rachael offers valuable strategies for healing from the profound impacts of divorce and building a fulfilling future.   Thank you for tuning into this episode. We hope Rachael Sloan’s insights have offered you a deeper understanding of the unique challenges men face during divorce and provided you with practical tools for emotional recovery and growth. Remember, seeking support and embracing emotional intelligence are key steps towards healing and finding new paths to happiness.   Resources Mentioned: Rachael's Website: https://www.rachaelsloancoaching.com/ Subscribe to Rachael's YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCf0VOpkxwHJjuyl7f2zMkeQ FREE GIFT - FREE MASTERCLASS: How to Take Back Control of Your Life After Divorce  Focused on the unique challenges men face during divorce and the steps they need to take to overcome them, become the best version of yourself and take control of your future. Check out Rachael's "Better Beyond Divorce" Program: https://resources.rachaelsloancoaching.com/join-bbd-jbd-link Journey Beyond Divorce Resources mentioned in this episode: Soberlink:  www.soberlink.com/jbd Book a Free Rapid Relief Call: http://rapidreliefcall.com 

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Divorce provides a perfect opportunity to begin identifying and practicing new ways of thinking, being, and doing. Our Journey Beyond Divorce podcasts help you to navigate the shifting world that you currently inhabit, and utilize your struggles as stepping-stones that lead to inner strength, clarity, and confidence. If you are seeking personal one-on-one coaching visit www.JourneyBeyondDivorce.com.