Special Guest: Stacy Francis - When Wealth and High Conflict Divorce Intersect, the Financial Essentials

With High Conflict Divorce comes significant challenges; legally, emotionally and financially. When wealth is added to this mix, the complexities can feel astronomical. These complexities can come in the form of financial control and withholding, complicated high risk or international investments, multiple real estate holdings, etc. Education is vital in these cases and today we have one of the best financial experts here to explain what you need to know, who you need to have on your support team and how you can make every effort to insure a fair settlement, by being informed and supported powerfully by people whose expertise matches your needs. With me today is my dear friend, Stacy Francis. She is a powerhouse! Stacy is a nationally-recognized financial expert with over 18 years of experience in the financial industry. She is a Certified Financial Planner™ (CFP®), a Certified Divorce Financial Analyst® (CDFA®), and a Divorce Financial Strategist™ . Stacy is also one of twenty of the nation’s leading wealth managers on CNBC’s Digital Financial Advisor Council and frequently appears in media outlets such as CNN, PBS, The Wall Street Journal and USA Today. More ways to connect with Stacy Francis: Website: https://francisfinancial.com/ Listen to her podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/financially-ever-after-widowhood/id1259474146 Journey Beyond Divorce Resources mentioned in his episode: Book a Free Rapid Relief Call: http://rapidreliefcall.com Take the "How Toxic is my Marriage" Quiz: https://www.jbddivorcesupport.com/toxicquiz

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Divorce provides a perfect opportunity to begin identifying and practicing new ways of thinking, being, and doing. Our Journey Beyond Divorce podcasts help you to navigate the shifting world that you currently inhabit, and utilize your struggles as stepping-stones that lead to inner strength, clarity, and confidence. If you are seeking personal one-on-one coaching visit www.JourneyBeyondDivorce.com.