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Om Podcasten

Is mother earth and the human race truly experiencing what many are referring to as the "Great Awakening"? Are conspiracy theories really just theories? Has the truth about who we are and where we come from been suppressed and hidden away from the public eye by the elites who control this planet, in an effort to maintain a sinister agenda? After years of research, thumbing through leaked government documents, listening to eyewitness reports and whistleblower testimonies—We believe that not only is this possible, but it may very well be exactly what is taking place on this planet. Thousands of people are waking up and demanding full disclosure. We began Journey to Truth Podcast in hopes of shedding light on this reality, giving people a chance to come forward with their experiences, and discuss the importance of waking up to these truths and what this could mean for the future of humanity. One thing is certain. The truth is wildly stranger than fiction...