Let's Talk About: Clothed in Christ with Caroline Saunders
Today we have the joy of hearing from Caroline Saunders on the topic of clothing. In this conversation, Caroline points us to the hope we have as those who are clothed in Christ. If you don’t know her, Caroline is a writer, teacher, and writing teacher who believes in taking Jesus seriously and being un-serious about nearly everything else. Caroline lives with her husband Luke and their three funny kids in north Mississippi, where Luke pastors a church and the kids run wild in the lobby. Caroline loves to help others know and enjoy God and his Word, which you’ll hear in this conversation! We pray this conversation with Caroline causes you to consider how you can put on the Lord Jesus Christ and trust him as you step into the closet and choose what to wear. May his righteousness be your covering today and every day. DISCUSSION QUESTIONS Are there any biblical passages or points from this episode that have shaped your view of clothing? How does understanding that you have been clothed in Christ transform the way you view your clothing? Have you ever experienced insecurity in your clothing or how you look? If you could go back, what truths would you tell yourself in those moments? How might beholding God change how you look at yourself and what you wear? What might you implement or change based on what you learned in this week’s episode? FOR MORE Subscribe: iTunes | Android Follow Us: Instagram | Facebook Support the podcast by writing a review Interviews do not imply Journeywomen’s endorsement of all writings and positions of the interviewee or any other resources mentioned. Affiliate links used are used where appropriate. Thank you for supporting the products that support Journeywomen!