108. Being a Girl is No Joke

Life as a girl can be both an incredibly beautiful experience and an extremely challenging one, no matter what your background. Satan fights HARD to keep us from living in freedom and boldness, because he knows a God-empowered woman is a massive threat to his plans. But guess what? He loses every time we genuinely discover our value and start fighting back. Join us for a conversation where Joyce, Ginger, Jai and Erin talk through some of the joys + challenges they’ve overcome in life and in ministry, look at ways we can make life better for each other, and equip you to start taking back what the enemy has stolen.

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Welcome to the Talk It Out podcast with Joyce Meyer, Ginger Stache and Erin Cluley! To learn more, visit our website at joycemeyer.org or download the Joyce Meyer Ministries app. By supporting Joyce Meyer Ministries, you can help us reach hurting people around the world. To find out more, go to joycemeyer.org/donate